Saturday, August 16, 2008

Grey March - s/t MLP

Don't know anything about this band. Grey March were from Baltimore, MD.
Some tracks are indierock with a 60's influence, others sound much darker.
Caught my interest when Goutroy was selling this. Could locate a copy somewhere else.
Any extra info welcome.

Grey March MLP (Unconscious Records-UNCONSCIOUS 001-1986)
1. Somethings Missing
2. Forced By Pressure
3. Vertical
4. Way Of The Cross
5. An Interesting Observation
6. Isle Of Quiet

Grey March


Psyence Guy said...

Many you know whats!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this amazing blog! JI -Finland

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ said...

Members went to Reptile House later.

loveitallabove said...

growing up in Baltimore, this was a FANTASTIC band -- live and otherwise!

I have this record in my vinyl collection and usta spin it to much satisfaction.

I wish I had my turn table back.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the keyboard player of Grey March contacted me on, (, he could provide some info 'bout the band :)

Losingtouchwithmymind said...

Such a good record

Anonymous said...

I saw these guys a couple times in DC waaaay back when. The singer had a huge Ian Curtis fixation which unfortunately made a lot of people take them less seriously. I am looking forward to listening again with the benefit of time.

mishmael said...

I am the guitarist on this record...we broke up in the 80's...i was in a band called Cloaca after that

Curious Guy said...

Hello Mishmael, thanks for leaving a comment here. So you're into dub these days. All the best with what you're doing now.

mishmael said...

check out

mishmael said...

Grey March reunion first week of May 2011 in Baltimore

Anonymous said...

I this record, and also a split 7" by Cloaca with the Pornflakes. Diggin' in that bag! For those that may be interested, the singer for Grey March -- Trip Burch -- later sang for the more radio-friendly but still dark-sounding "Pearlfishers."