Thanks to Jon for this contribution.
Kiss The Blade were a mid-80's postpunk/Goth band from the UK. Both 12"s are very hard to find these days. These were also issued as 7"s omitting the last track.
I hope to get more info on the band.
'Young Soldier' deals about the Falkland war.

The Party's Begun 12" (Incision Records-CUT 1-1985)
1. The Party's Begun
2. The Night Comes Down
3. The Bridge

Young Soldier 12" (Incision Records-CUT 3-1986)
1. Young Soldier
2. Broken Dreams
3. The Love I Give
Kiss The Blade
Thanks for this curious guy - quality as ever.
Just Visiting, to stop by and say tank you for the PTL KLUB!! Will ive afew things a whirl here too>Must admit theres a bigger world of music and I'm just scared, I wont like it>Rg
Don't confuse this Kiss the blade with newer band Kiss the blade that was active late 90's. This later band played death goth in vein of Corpus delicti, Cinema strange and similar bands, and some of its members now run influental label Strobelight records.
Well here they are at last!! Big thanks to Jon and Vincent for making these available to everyone. Now if someone could provide me with an original of The Party's Begun...
Is this the same Kiss The Blade that Paul Hanley, drummer for The Fall, formed after leaving the group in 1984?
Don't think so Ant. Here's what I found on Paul Hanley:
I formed Kiss the Blade with 2 of my best friends Pete Keogh & Paul Fletcher who were playing with Marc Riley at the time (whatever happened to him?)although we'd been in a band at school before I joined The Fall. We then found out that there was already a band called Kiss the Blade (Why anyone would call a band Kiss the Blade, let alone 2 lots of people I don't know) We then changed our name to Shout Bamalam.
The other Kiss The Blade band is probably this one.
I'm almost always shocked at how much money these Kiss The Blade records go for these days. Latest copy of 'The Party's Begun' went for 128 quid on Ebay. Thanks for making these songs available for the rest of us po' folks!
Yes that's insane. But don't you think these are really so sought after worldwide, it's only in Spain!. Every copy of these go for spaniards, trust me (I'm one myself). Unfortunately the seller hid the bidders' identitities but as you may see the winner is spanish... They have become trendy around here due to some nasty speculator, not necessarily amongst lovers of post punk stuff, leaving no chance for poor guys like me :o) I have my 7" of it since ages but I just won't be able to get in hold of the 12"... quite dissapointing, I'll just have to wait for all of them to forget about KTB in some months as it usually happens!
Nico is right. It seems that some rare UK goth gets bought/sold by Spanish people. Not only Kiss The Blade but bands like The Factory or Stiff Kittens as well.
Thanks for the clarification, CuriousGuy. I didn't realise the band Paul left to form also featured Fletch and Pete from The Creepers.
Isn't that what makes the Internet so great? that you don't have to part with silly money to obtain these recordings. I also think you're willingness to share for no reward makes you a Socialist curious guy? If we can up the profile of music blogging then the arse will fall out of the speculators market and that can only be a good thing.
I'm a record collector myself although a very rational one (I'm a low wage working man :)). I couldn't spend such an amount for this record. Some people manage to drive prices of some records through the roof. A pity for the humble collectors like us. Sometimes I check how much a person spends on records. Seems some have the means to spend 2 times the amount I earn in 1 month!
Sharing music and the knowledge about it is something I like to do. We are just not capable of possessing all the rare records we would like to have so sharing them feels like a naturally thing to do.
We used to do that back in the day, recording our stuff on tape and share it with friends.
Thanks for posting this!! You are definitely opening up my eyes (and ears) to some great stuff I missed out on in the past.
Hi curious guy,
Maybe I should post a request up for you.
Do you have these 3 releases
12" Eden 1 All+About+Eve D-For-Desire-/-Don't-Follow-Me-(March-Hare)
12" Eden 2 All+About+Eve In-The-Clouds-/-End-Of-The-Day-/-Love-Leads-Nowhere
12" EVENX 3 All+About+Eve Our-Summer-(extended)-/-Lady-Moonlight-/-Shelter-From-The-Rain
Thanks for posting very unusual and hard to find classic gothic bands releases.
Sorry Olivier, don't have any All About Eve.
please reupload, thanks in advance. love the site~
This is amazing stuff. I play these songs almost every day. thank you!
can you upload kiss the blade sudio albums maybe?
its really hard to find em .Thnx
New link's up. Enjoy!
Kiss The Blade - Young Soldier Lyrics.
* With his ¿? crashing , bullets flashing *
¿ Can someone help me with this "missing" word , please ?
Thanks in advance
Could you please reupload it? And thank you so much for your amazing blog!
Still have serious problems with my ext. HD. Don't own the records so I can't rip them. So no re-ups for the moment.
New link. Enjoy!
please re upload kiss the blade please..
New link. Enjoy!
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